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What makes IMEP different from other memory programs?

IMEP is unique in that it focuses on addressing the mind/body connection of each individual. This approach is based on the principle that the mind and emotions affect physical health and vice versa.

IMEP includes supportive modalities that nourish and sustain the brain and body, such as aromatherapy, brain integration exercises, diaphragmatic breathing, mental agility exercises, guided relaxation, and more.

There are currently many computer-based memory enhancement programs that are fun, challenging, and beneficial, however they do not provide the social support, interaction, and individualized attention that an IMEP classroom session provides.

The well-documented brain benefits of socialization indicating a marked decrease in dementia risk for social seniors substantiates the importance of the social interaction and support of the group dynamic.1

1 Szalavitz, Maia. 02 May 2011. Friends With Benefits: Being Highly Social Cuts Dementia Risk by 70%. Time Online. <>.